Tag Archive for: ostomy

Having lived with Crohn’s disease for 43 years, and an ostomy for 35, Lori Plung had known it was possible she would go on to develop Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS). Eight years ago, following her fifth surgery, SBS and the need for intravenous nutrition (TPN) became a reality.

In recognition of Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Week (1-7 December 2023), Lori generously shares some of her experiences, and the advice she’d give to anyone grappling with complexities of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) who may be facing the possibility of developing SBS as a result of surgical procedures to treat their disease.

Learning to live with Crohn’s and an ostomy

When I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at 16 years old, the thought of having to have “a bag” was, quite frankly, terrifying. But at the age of 24, the disease overtook my entire being. I had debilitating pain, cramps, bloody diarrhea and urgency, and I was up multiple times a night – I often couldn’t leave my house for fear of an accident. I was too sick to eat and had no energy.

Eventually I needed an emergency proctocolectomy. My colon, rectum, and terminal ileum were removed, and replaced with a permanent ileostomy. I had been so sick before surgery that I was very weak, and recovery was incredibly hard.

But what surprised me most? The feeling of relief. I was free! As I recovered from the procedure, my pain and symptoms were gone. Suddenly, I could eat what I wanted, and I started feeling back to myself. My quality of life improved and my stoma became my new best friend.

Though I was grateful for this new lease on life, it came with challenges. The Crohn’s disease returned a year later in my small bowel, presenting as multiple strictures and obstructions. I was now navigating flares with an ostomy, often experiencing high output which required supplemental outpatient intravenous hydration, magnesium, and potassium to get my levels back to normal.

What is Short Bowel Syndrome?

Five more surgeries followed in the span of 32 years, with the intention of saving as much bowel as possible. I heard mumbles of avoiding “short gut”, but nobody sat down and explained what that meant. I wish I’d known more about it sooner.

Short gut, also known as Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS), occurs when your bowel doesn’t have enough length to absorb the nutrition and hydration your body needs on its own. In most cases, it happens as a result of major surgical resection of the small intestine, necessitated by conditions like Crohn’s and colitis. For a patient like me, with only 69cm of intestine remaining, intravenous nutrition and hydration support is needed to keep my body functioning properly. This is known as Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN).

Coming to terms with a new normal

TPN nourishes my body with the nutrients it’s not capable of absorbing on its own. It’s delivered via a Hickman catheter in the upper left part of my chest, infusing through a pump stored in a backpack while I sleep.

Coming to terms with that wasn’t easy for me. I’d been on TPN before surgery to increase my nutritional status, and I assumed I would be off it at some point during my recovery. But with the SBS diagnosis, that was unlikely to happen. I had a very hard time accepting the fact that I would have to live with a central line for the rest of my life.

Therapy has been invaluable in helping me learn how to cope and accept. I learned that I can dislike having to hook into my TPN each night, and at the same time, I can be grateful for it, and for the life it allows me to lead. These two truths can co-exist together – and that way of thinking has helped me to accept my new normal.


I’m also hopeful that I can reduce my reliance on TPN over time. For patients like me, the goal of SBS management is to increase valuable time off TPN through intestinal rehabilitation. This uses approaches including diet, medications, and surgery to help the remaining GI tract work better so that it can absorb more nutrients from eating. Not all SBS patients are the same, so it’s important to understand each individual’s needs and explore the best options.

It’s also crucial to have the support of a medical team that specializes in IBD and intestinal rehab. Since my SBS diagnosis, I was careful to choose a multidisciplinary team at an academic medical center that is part of the Gastroenterology Rehabilitation and Transplant Program. My physician is an IBD specialist and the director of the nutrition support program, and I’ve worked closely with a dietitian who specializes in treating patients with SBS. Their support has been life-changing.

Need to Know

Having spent over 40 years navigating the complex journey from Crohn’s to SBS, I am now an advocate for patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Here are some of the most important things I think patients should know when managing their own condition:

  • Preserving Bowel
    As a Crohn’s patient, it’s important to be aware of potential complications of surgery, and the possibility that losing large sections of small bowel can lead to SBS. Make sure to discuss this with your healthcare team before surgery, and wherever possible, look for ways of minimizing bowel loss.
  • Learn About SBS
    Being educated, and aware of the resources available to you, gives you the opportunity to have important discussions with your medical team and seek out the best possible care. You can access resources, support, and education through UOAA and other organizations such as the Oley Foundation, IFFGD, Transplant Unwrapped, The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, and The Short Bowel Syndrome Foundation
  • Find the Right Team
    Seek out a medical team with expertise in SBS and nutrition to offer you the right support throughout your journey. Ideally, this should be at a center that offers intestinal rehabilitation with a multidisciplinary team. If this isn’t possible, find out if your medical team is willing to consult with such a center.
  • Nutrition Matters
    Pay close attention to your diet. Some foods may lead to increased ostomy output or difficulties in digestion. Staying hydrated and making wise food choices are essential. Learn what works best for your specific condition and consult an ostomy nurse and an IBD/SBS dietitian for guidance.
  • Advocate for yourself
    Being comfortable advocating for yourself does not mean being confrontational. It’s about being heard, understood, and well cared for without feeling dismissed. Open communication with your healthcare team is important, especially when shared decision-making comes into play.
  • Resilience
    Day to day life with these diseases can be hard. Sometimes we have to take things day by day, hour by hour, and even minute by minute to get through the tough times. I believe that every patient is resilient. Sometimes, it’s buried, and we just need a bit of extra support to help it come to the surface.
  • Seek support
    Actively engage with your IBD community. Bowel diseases are very private and isolating, so being surrounded by others who understand firsthand what you are experiencing is very powerful. Family and friends can be supportive, but they can only empathize. Speaking with actual patients who have “been there, done that” is extremely helpful and comforting!
  • Be kind to yourself.
    Self-compassion and self-care are very important when living with the day-to-day challenges of these diseases. For example, fatigue is one of the biggest symptoms of IBD. Giving ourselves permission to rest can be hard for some of us – me included! That’s where self-care and self-compassion come in.
  • Be positive
    Lastly, it is absolutely and positively possible to live a very happy and productive life while living with conditions like Crohn’s disease and SBS.


[Article written by Lori Plung with support from UOAA digital sponsor, VectivBio.]

VectivBio is a global biotechnology company committed to improving the lives of people with short bowel syndrome, who rely on parenteral support (IV nutrition and/or IV hydration). VectivBio is part of Ironwood Pharmaceuticals Inc., a leading global gastrointestinal (GI) healthcare company on a mission to advance the treatment of GI diseases and redefine the standard of care for GI patients. To learn more, visit VectivBio.com.

By Tony Plonner

Editor’s Note: UOAA is proud to recognize Veterans and supports all those now living with an ostomy or continent diversion. 

As a 20-year-old, way back in 1972, entering Army basic training was a daunting experience, the “fear of the unknown” had my mind reeling of what could happen. My approach was to take the challenge one day at a time, one hour at a time, or if necessary, one minute at a time.

We adopted many phrases to get us through the many challenges of this new environment: “Can Do!”, “When the going gets tough the tough get going” and when all else failed, “Yes Drill Sergeant!’ and we’d jump into the challenge at hand. This experience taught us we could surmount obstacles we’d never dreamed of.  Unknowingly, our training prepared us for many of life’s challenges both in and out of the military. For me, progressions to Military Police School and Officer Candidate School strengthened my confidence and allowed me to take on challenges in both the military and civilian worlds.

One basic premise I learned was to never quit.  I learned the quitter never knows how close they were to success. Whatever the challenge, you keep moving and keep fighting.

A little over thirty years ago, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  Surgery and radiation followed.  I kept a positive outlook and survived the experience.  Unfortunately, a couple of years ago, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer.  I was told there was a chance the radiation many years before may have led to this cancer.  As it was muscle invasive, and with a history of radiation, all the doctors involved agreed the bladder would have to go.  I had faith in my team and after a round of chemotherapy, I had urostomy surgery at the University of Miami Medical Center on March 14, 2022.

My best advice for those about to undergo or have recently had urostomy surgery for bladder cancer is to keep the “Can Do” attitude and continue with your life’s goals. You’ll be amazed how far you’ll go.

Having been told the result of the surgery would result in an ostomy, I researched as much as possible to learn about the side effects and the changes to my lifestyle I’d encounter. A pleasant result of this research was finding the tremendous support network available.  I learned about the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN) and through my old army buddy, Justin Blum, United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA).

Tony Plonner, pictured riding the Florida Keys Scenic Highway has continued an active lifestyle after urostomy surgery for bladder cancer.

Reading case stories, with a bit of skepticism I’ll admit, I learned of the many people who have not only survived but thrived through this experience.  Along with my experience of tackling the unknown in the Army, and the great support of family and friends, these stories only bolstered my faith that we’d lick this cancer and continue with life.

My doctors regaled me with stories of ostomy patients maintaining their lifestyles, skydiving, running, golfing and barely missing a beat after surgery.  Combined with the experiences of ostomates I’d read about, was confident I’d go through the surgery and, despite new limitations expected on my lifestyle, I’d take the hill and keep on moving.

Looking back over the last year and a half I am astonished at how smooth, if that is the right word, the transition has been.  Beginning with the support of the team at the surgery center, who trained me in the care of my ostomy, I followed orders like a good soldier, paid attention to their instruction and thankfully have made the transition to ostomate.

My biggest concerns, changes to my lifestyle, were pretty much unfounded.  I am an avid golfer, road bicyclist, and generally an active person.  I was concerned about how my ostomy bag would affect these pursuits.  The answer is hardly. I wondered how I’d be able to go on bike rides of 15 or 20 miles in tight bike shorts and was pleasantly surprised to find it pretty comfortable. Also, it is easy to tell when I need to pull over and go to the bathroom.  Spandex bike shorts don’t provide much wiggle room!

Golfing also has been unaffected by my ostomy. I was worried about the twisting during the golf swing and any stress it would put on my appliance.  It hasn’t been an issue.  Now, if I could only lower my handicap…

My best advice for those about to undergo or have recently had urostomy surgery for bladder cancer is to keep the “Can Do” attitude and continue with your life’s goals. You’ll be amazed how far you’ll go.

There are two main types of stomas, and they both have certain “ideal” characteristics in common. Do you know what they are?

Wound care nurses know that it’s not uncommon to hear the terms ostomy and stoma used interchangeably, even though they have different meanings.

What is a stoma?

Let’s start with the basics:

  • The stoma is the mouth-like, visible part of an ostomy.
  • A fecal or urinary stoma is composed of mucous membrane or the lining of the intestine that’s exposed to the surface.
  • Following ostomy surgery, effluent (output) — such as fecal matter, urine, or mucous — will pass through the opening of the stoma, called the lumen.
  • The patient will not have voluntary control of the effluent expelled by the stoma.

Types of stomas

There two major categories of stomas: the end and the loop.

End stoma

An end stoma is created when the surgeon brings one end of the GI tract through the abdominal wall, then folds it over. The surgeon then removes the other end or sews it shut.

In some cases, the surgeon will create end stomas from both ends of the GI tract, called a double-barrel stoma. In this case, you’ll see two distinct stomas: the proximal stoma discharges stool and the distal stoma discharges mucous. Sometimes an expanse of skin separates the two stomas, and sometimes they will share the same opening. This construction is most common for infants or very small children.

Loop stoma

To create this type of colostomy, the surgeon lifts a loop of the transverse colon through the abdomen. The colon is given a small split on the side facing out, and a rod is placed underneath for support. The rod may be removed after a few days when support is no longer needed. The proximal opening of the stoma drains stool from the intestine, while the distal opening of the stoma drains mucus. Loop stomas are usually created for temporary ostomies.

Characteristics of an ideal healthy stoma

Each stoma is unique, just as each patient’s physiology is unique. Different surgical techniques will result in stomas of different appearance. At the same time, the “ideal” stoma has some identifiable characteristics:


The inner surface of the stoma continually produces mucus to cleanse the stoma. Mucus production is a normal function of the intestines that serves as natural lubrication for food passing through the body. The mucus gives the healthy stoma a wet appearance.

Beefy red

Blood flow is essential to the health of the stoma. Normal stoma tissue is highly vascular and will appear deep pink to red. Pale pink is also normal in a urinary stoma. Stoma tissue may even bleed slightly when rubbed or irritated, which is normal. When a stoma turns pale, or dark, it means there’s a problem with the blood supply, so be sure to investigate.


A round stoma is easiest to measure with circular rulers. It also works best with pre-cut skin barriers (the part of the ostomy appliance that affixes to the skin and attaches to pouch). An oval or irregularly shaped stoma may require cut-to-fit skin barriers.

The shape is affected by the type of ostomy and the individual’s body composition. The shape can also vary with the wave-like muscular contractions of the intestines, the peristaltic movement.


When a stoma has a rosebud shape (rather than flat or retracted), it protrudes into the pouching system. This allows the effluent to fall out into the pouch away from the body. The ideal protrusion is 2-3 cm with a lumen in the very center.

Strategically located

To easily accommodate the skin barrier, it’s ideal to have 2-3 inches of flat skin around the stoma. Avoid beltlines, bony prominences, skin folds, suture lines, or the umbilicus (belly button). Also, the patient will have more success managing a stoma located in an area that they can see and reach.

Stoma assessment

The stoma itself has no sensory nerve endings, which means there is no sensation for the patient. In other words, the patient may not feel pain or discomfort if the stoma becomes lacerated or injured. Therefore, your thorough clinical assessment of the stoma and the surrounding skin is essential to catching problems early.

Ostomy basics for healthcare clinicians: upcoming wound care conference session

As the third largest wound care conference in the nation, Wild on Wounds (WOW) is focused on advancing the healthcare workforce with impactful, innovative, hands-on wound care education built by and for clinicians.

This year, Joy Hooper, RN, BSN, CWOCN, OMS, WCC, AWCC, will present, “Ostomy: Basics and Beyond” which will provide a better level of understanding of colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy surgery. The surgeries will be explained in a simple, relatable show-and-tell progression that builds on healthcare clinicians’ understanding GI tract anatomy. The presentation will include the concepts of peristomal skin protection from output and the different types of appliances available. The session will also include trouble shooting common peristomal skin common complications.

The session is intended for dieticians, nurses, and physical therapists and offers 4.00 contact hours. Learning objectives from the session include:

  • Identifying how to communicate basic ostomy care based on individual type of ostomy as it relates to a patient’s ostomy type
  • Selecting interventions to preserve peristomal skin integrity
  • Recognizing how to use ostomy products to customize fit thus promoting quality of life

WOW details

This year’s 17th annual WOW event is brought to you by the Wound Care Education Institute (WCEI) and Nurse.com, part of the parent company Relias’ family of brands. The conference will take place from September 13–16 in Hollywood, Florida. Conference attendees can choose from dozens of educational sessions and earn up to 25 contact hours for CE credits.

WOW offers innovative, interactive, and informative sessions, including simulation workshops, live product demonstrations, and a new pre-conference track with an entire day of legal sessions. Also new this year is a virtual poster hall featuring the latest in clinical research, clinical practice outcomes, evidence-based interventions, new technology, management of complex wounds, and more.

To learn more and register for Wild on Wounds, visit here.

-Natalie Vaughn, MBA, Senior Content Marketing Manager, Relias

Since extra security precautions are still being taken at airports and other transit hubs worldwide, a little pre-planning and understanding of both security rules and your right to privacy can help you avoid problems in transit and enjoy your travels.

• TSA officers should NOT ask you to show your pouch—you may be asked to rub over your pouch outside your clothing so they can test your hand to rule out explosive residue.

• In particular, remember that all airport screenings must be conducted with courtesy, dignity and respect. You may request screening in a private area at all U.S. airports and most international destinations. If you encountered treatment outside of TSA protocol you can file a complaint, (please copy UOAA’s volunteer TSA Liaison gfsalamy@comcast.net)

A few additional tips to keep you on the go:

Carry a statement from your healthcare professional stating your need for ostomy supplies AS WELL AS a Travel Communications Card (which can be found here.)

UOAA's TSA Notification Card

TSA rules state that you can be screened without having to empty or expose your ostomy; however, you may need to conduct a self pat-down of the ostomy as a test.

NOTE: You may always have a travel companion with you during a private screening.

If you are traveling to a foreign country, bring this information written in the appropriate language. Google Translate may be helpful with translations. If you find you need additional supplies while traveling, a local pharmacy is a great starting point. The local pharmacist should be able to provide you with the necessary supplies and/or refer you to a local clinic/hospital for support.

Pre-cut all cut-to-fit barriers at homeAlthough current United States Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) rules allow curved point scissors with blades less than 4″ in length in your carry-on luggage, keeping your ostomy scissors in your checked luggage may avoid delay and extra screening

Consider purchasing travel insurance that guarantees getting you to a hospital, if necessary.

When it comes to supplies, OVERPACK! Better safe than sorry. Pack at least three days’ worth of ostomy supplies in your carry-on luggage, just in case your checked luggage is misplaced or there are delays and/or non-availability at your destination.

Drink, drink, drink. Nothing slows down a vacation more than dehydration.

If traveling by car, take advantage of rest areas. Stop and empty your pouch regularly; you never know how far it will be until the next one!

Pack ostomy-friendly snacks.

Keep a set of clean clothes handy whether in your carry-on luggage or in the trunk of your car.

Carry a few plastic bags and wet wipes for quick clean-up.

The idea of taking long trips with an ostomy can seem daunting. But with a little extra preparation, you can enjoy the trip of a lifetime.


Editor’s note: This blog is from one of our digital sponsors, Convatec. Sponsor support along with donations from readers like you help to maintain our website and the free trusted resources of UOAA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Excerpts from Matthew Perry’s new memoir show that even TV stars are vulnerable to poor ostomy care and stigmas UOAA is working to erase.

By James Murray, UOAA President

(Update: People around the world have been reacting to the sad news that Perry was found dead in his home on October 28, 2023.)

In a preview of his new memoir Friends star Matthew Perry reveals to People that in 2019 his colon burst from opioid abuse and that he spent two weeks in a coma before waking up unaware that he had emergency ostomy surgery to save his life.

He reveals that ‘It was pretty hellish having one because they break all the time’ which as President of United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) shows me that even a Hollywood star is susceptible to poor quality of care and the ostomy stigmas our organization is fighting to end.

I had lifesaving ostomy surgery as a result of colon cancer and I am among the 725,000 to 1 million people in the United States we estimate are living with an ostomy or continent diversion. Many of us live healthy and active lives thanks to follow-up care by certified ostomy nurses, education, emotional support, and the fact that a properly fitted ostomy pouch should not break, smell or restrict your desired lifestyle.

The book also reveals that Perry’s ostomy was temporary and that his therapist said ‘The next time you think about taking OxyContin, just think about having a colostomy bag for the rest of your life.’ Perry says this was the catalyst for wanting to break his long pattern of addiction.

While it’s wonderful that Perry has fought to end his addiction, these words sting for those of us who deal with the consequences of ostomy stigmas in our society. We wonder if Perry would have come to see the ostomy differently if given the chance to attend an ostomy support group or talk with another person living with an ostomy during his 9-month recovery. Did he receive information about organizations that support ostomy patients prior to discharge? Research shows that these and other UOAA standards of care can make all the difference in a patient’s outcome.

Despite the fact that ostomy surgery saves or improves lives, there are still people who believe that death is a better choice than having this surgical procedure. People of all ages struggle with body image issues and acceptance in life with an ostomy and perpetrating these stigmas can leave deep scars.

Perry also mentions looking at the scars from his 14 abdominal surgeries as motivation for ending a cycle of addiction. Perry and those interviewing him are rightly celebrating and supporting addiction recovery efforts. We ask that they also give a moment to help raise positive ostomy awareness, and share our resources available to all those in need.

James Murray is President of United Ostomy Associations of America Inc. (UOAA) a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes quality of life for people with ostomies and continent diversions through information, support, advocacy and collaboration. Educational resources, advocacy tools, support groups and more can be found at www.ostomy.org)

Donate today to help the next ostomate in need. 

Twelve years ago, Sarah had ileostomy surgery after living for years with ulcerative colitis. Ostomy surgery has allowed Sarah to get back to eating foods she loves, and she says “it has been the best thing for me.”

Sarah now eats many of the same things she did before her ileostomy and enjoys them more than ever. Here are some tips that Sarah has learned over the years for eating, digestion and activity.

  1. Drink up. Hydration will always be an issue, so drink lots of water. I like to toss in a slice of lemon for a little extra flavor.
  2. And chew some more. If it looks the same coming out as it did going in, you need to chew those foods better.
  3. Start slow and build up. If you’re right out of surgery, you might be more sensitive to foods than you will be six months down the road. Use trial and error to see how foods work for you and be sure to track the results. If you’ve had ileostomy surgery, add high-fiber foods back into your diet gradually to make sure you can digest them well. These include raw fruits and veggies (especially with skins), nuts, seeds and popcorn.
  4. Input always makes output. With an ileostomy, your stoma is going pretty much all the time, so it’s important to track and manage your input and output. For example, if I was going on a job interview, I would not eat a big meal right before, because my stoma may create output and my pouch would fill up – and you don’t want that during an interview!
  5. Do what you love! I go on bike rides, I go boogie boarding. It may take a little time and tracking to know what works best for your body, but you can do all those things and keep your stoma safe.

Sarah, with the help of the My Ostomy Journey App, now has the ability to track everything digitally. She can also use the app to contact someone for additional support, or if she has any questions.

Sarah says, “The My Ostomy Journey app makes it easy for us to keep track of whether we’ve had enough water or what foods we eat. I wish I’d had this resource right after surgery, especially when I was first figuring out what does and doesn’t work for my body!”


Editor’s note: This blog is from one of our digital sponsors, Convatec. Sponsor support along with donations from readers like you help to maintain our website and the free trusted resources of UOAA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Finding Humor in life with an ostomy and IBD

My name is LTC(R) Justin F. Blum and I had my initial ostomy surgery 29 years ago and my rectum removed six years later.  These surgeries were done because of an ulcerative colitis diagnosis that lead to colon cancer.

During the 1980s, I had many colonoscopies and a litany of medications, the Army assigned me to duty stations in Kentucky, South Carolina, Birmingham AL, and Fort Monroe VA. I started with 20mg of Prednisone per day and that went up to 240mg in the fall of 1992.  During that following winter, I made an appointment with an Army gastroenterologist at Eisenhower Army Hospital, Fort Gordon GA.  After the exam, he told me I needed to have ostomy surgery. I knew what an ostomy was, I raised

Still a tanker at heart!

my voice and said, “The only way I will have ostomy surgery is if my back is to the wall and I have one foot already in the grave”. Little did I know in one year I would be having that surgery. I was bleeding profusely while taking 240mg of Prednisone per day. My last colonoscopy showed that I had a large black spot on the transverse part of my colon.

My doctor immediately scheduled me for ostomy surgery at the end of February 1993. I was in the hospital for two weeks and proceeded to convalesce at home for 30 days. Three weeks into the leave, my wife and I tried having sex for the first time as an ostomate. My bag ended up going where no bag has ever gone before and probably had a better time than we did. After some maneuvering, life did get better! I reported back to duty in Birmingham AL after convalescent leave was over. I was eventually given a J Pouch which I had for four years.

My years with IBD and now an ostomy showed me that it takes a village to obtain a good quality of life.

The next few years living with my J-pouch were horrible. Despite taking 15 hospital strength Imodium per day, I was still defecating 20 times per day. I continuously was sore on my bottom. I would develop leaks and I ended up having to wear pantyliners in my underwear. When I retired from active duty in August 1996, I immediately started my second career as an Army JROTC Instructor in Bennettsville SC. I continued to go to the bathroom quite frequently and in the spring of the following year my daughter, who was six at the time, wanted me to play horsey with her and take her around the block. I bent down half in tears and told her that “daddy can’t play horsey because he is too sore on his bottom”. I immediately went to talk to my wife and we both agreed it was time to get back to having an ostomy bag. That summer at the Columbia SC Veterans Administration hospital, I had my third surgery to restore my ostomy due to my poor quality of life with the J Pouch. On the positive side, since I’ve had an external pouch, the veteran’s administration awarded me 100% total and permanent disability. I spent the next 23 years as an Army JROTC Instructor.

By the Fall of 1997, I was ready for my first formal engagement with my ostomy. The NAACP was conducting its annual scholarship banquet and I was one of the evening’s speakers.  I made a very big mistake on the Saturday morning of the event by eating two packets of oatmeal for breakfast. I then went to a local bowling alley with my 6-year-old daughter for a birthday party. At the party, I ate too much popcorn!   That evening my wife and children attended the dinner and I was dressed in my brand-new army dress mess uniform. I was sitting on the stage at the head table when it was my time to give remarks. Once I was finished with my remarks I looked down and I thought I had spilled some water on my lap. After a closer look, I realized that that was not water but wet feces seeping through my lap. I immediately got up and my wife and I proceeded to the nearest restroom. In the men’s room, my wife was straddling me with her body trying to clean off the feces from my pouch with one hand and trying to put on a new ostomy bag with the other. During this time three individuals came into the restroom and became startled because they thought we were having sex on the floor!

From 1997 to 2002 I would experience a lot of burning, stinging, and itching around my stoma. Unfortunately, I did not have access to an ostomy nurse at any of the two hospitals where I lived in Florence SC. To my good fortune, a new assistant WOC nurse was assigned to Carolinas Hospital. I called the nurse the next day and told her about the problems I was experiencing on my skin. She immediately asked if I could come in the next day for her to examine my broken skin. That next day she examined my skin and applied Nystatin Powder to the inflamed areas. Within two days the burning, stinging, soreness, and red skin started to heal very quickly.

Despite the ostomy pouch I worked very hard my first few years and to my happiness in 2003, was named the Army Junior ROTC instructor of the year for the entire worldwide JROTC system that consists of over 5000 instructors. In August of 2010 I received a letter from Cindy Norris, Carolina’s Hospital WOC nurse who enclosed an application for the ConvaTec sponsored Great Comebacks program. The Great Comebacks program identified ostomates that also accomplished acts in their lives of giving back to others. I mailed the application back for processing. The application highlighted my time with IBD and then in 1993 acquiring my ostomy while the whole time serving my country as an officer in the United States Army. In addition, in November 2009 I was promoted to the rank of full Colonel in the South Carolina State Guard. I received a phone call from former NFL Placekicker Rolf Benirschke with the great comebacks program. He told me I would be the recipient of the Tony Snow Award for Public Service. The Tony Snow Award was annually given to an individual who has an ostomy and performed years of public service to our nation.

In 2010 and 2011 I was honored to be recognized with several awards.  I was named the 2010 volunteer of the year for South Carolina, the Tony Snow award winner, and in the summer of 2011, I was named for the second time the Army JROTC instructor of the Year. South Carolina Representative the Honorable Jim Clyburn recognized me on the floor of the House of Representatives in the summer of 2011 for these mentioned achievements while having an ostomy.

Eight years later I retired after 23 years as a JROTC instructor for a total of 44 years in uniform. My first act as a retiree was to apply to become a member of the United Ostomy Associations of America’s Board of Directors. To my good fortune, I became a board member and will have served a total of four years upon the conclusion of this tour of duty.

Justin at UOAA’s National Conference in Jacksonville , FL in August 2013. He now serves as a member of UOAA’s Board of Directors.

Over the four years, I was diagnosed and experienced neuropathy in conjunction with my ostomy. I was first put on a regimen of three 800mg tablets of Gabapentin per day which lasted six months. Not feeling any relief from the pain my doctor said we should try acupuncture. Apparently, the ears are where the acupuncture needles went because it was a central place for the pain sensors around my stoma.  I was on acupuncture for about 3 months and unfortunately, I did not see any relief. My doctor prescribed Lyrica, which is a derivative of Gabapentin. I started with one tablet per day now I am up to three tablets after two months. My pain levels have gone down considerably and fortunately I have been able to start exercising again in moderation.

My years with IBD and now an ostomy showed me that it takes a village to obtain a good quality of life. My wife Leah, who I refer to as my “Chief of Staff” is the most important person in my village. She stood by my side during four surgeries and all the years of total discomfort. In addition, if not for my caring and loving wife, I never would have gotten through the transition from non-ostomate to being an ostomate. She is my go-to person for any of my problems and she is both sympathetic and empathetic to those problems. She also stood by my side during countless tours of duty with the Army bringing her continually farther away from her home in New Jersey. Ten years prior to my initial surgery, in 1993, my father died at the age of 61 from colon cancer that spread to his liver. My ostomy surgery gave me a second chance to live because I was a prime example that ostomies save lives! If I did not have my proctocolectomy, my young wife would have become a widow with three children all under the ages of seven.

I am also most fortunate to have three WOC nurses in my life: Joy Hooper, Donna Sellers, and Joanna Burgess-Stocks. I can contact any of those three nurses at any time of the day or night, especially Joanna, if I am having problems with my ostomy/neuropathy. A healthy support system is needed for anyone inflicted with these lifetime conditions. I have learned to always look at the positive side of life throughout all those years I had IBD and now my ostomy. Today I counsel individual ostomates who are having problems adjusting to their ostomy and speak to UOAA Affiliated Support Groups around the country via Zoom and share my story and listen to theirs. Remember, you’re not alone!

By Jeanine Gleba, UOAA Advocacy Manager

Too many people living with an ostomy have the worry that due to a need for frequent pouch changes or a high output stoma they will run out of their monthly Medicaid allowable ostomy supplies.  For the past year, UOAA has been supporting efforts, led by Coloplast, to expand Medicaid coverage of extended wear products in states with remaining access problems across the country. 

UOAA’s advocacy work has included:

  • Raising awareness on this important issue
  • Recruiting Affiliated Support Group leaders that are also WOC nurses and other local clinicians to provide clinical support and insight
  • Sending letters to state divisions of Medicaid services urging them to review the ostomy supply policy regarding coverage of ostomy supplies for HCPCS codes and quantities, specifically for extended wear products. 

As the voice and leading organization advocating for people living with an ostomy, we know first-hand how important access to ostomy supplies are for our patient population. We share the patient perspective with testimonials from advocates as well as explaining patients’ unique needs, such as those who are unable to achieve normal wear time with a standard barrier. Improved access to extended wear barriers will assist those who do not have an optimal fit or have a high-output stoma and go through more standard wear barriers and pouch changes. For these individuals extended wear products would be the prescribed solution. 

As a result of the collaboration between Coloplast, UOAA, State Home Medical Equipment (HME)/Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Associations, local clinicians and other advocates, we have expanded patient access to extended wear products in seven states as noted in the above map. This is excellent news for Medicaid beneficiaries living with an ostomy in these states! (Note: States that are grey/light blue on the map were not seen to have any state Medicaid extended wear access challenges.)

More advocacy efforts are underway in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin to remove the current barrier to access in those states. These states have Medicaid coverage that is much less than the current Medicare standards.

By Robin Glover

No need to be alarmed, but if you have an ostomy you already have a hernia! When the surgeon opened your abdominal muscles to pull your intestine through, they technically gave you a hernia. But we’re not talking about that kind of hernia. We’re talking about parastomal (peristomal) hernias. That’s when more intestine than planned pushes through your muscles and causes a bulge at your ostomy site.

You can tell if you might have a parastomal hernia by a noticeable bulge or by placing your hand over your stoma and seeing if it protrudes out when you cough. (This doesn’t count as an official diagnosis. You’ll probably also want to talk to your doctor.)

What Is a Parastomal Hernia?

A parastomal hernia is like any other hernia. They happen when an organ pushes through a weak spot in the muscle. For people with an ostomy, the organ is your intestine and the weak spot is in the same area the surgeon created your stoma.

While every effort is made to close everything and ensure a tight, snug fit, some extra intestine can force its way through and push against your skin. (This is as opposed to a prolapsed stoma when extra intestine is actually coming out of your body.)

Parastomal hernias usually happen within the first one to two years after ostomy surgery, but can occur later. While people without a parastomal hernia will tell you they’re mostly asymptomatic, those with one will likely beg to differ. Parastomal hernias can cause discomfort and pain and make it difficult to keep your appliance on.

Dealing With a Parastomal Hernia

One of the most frustrating things about having a parastomal hernia is dealing with leaks. Every parastomal hernia is unique and they come in all shapes and sizes so finding the right pouching system is important. It can take some experimenting and ordering plenty of free samples from ostomy supply companies to get it figured out.

If possible, you should also consult with a Wound Ostomy Care nurse. In fact, you should probably do this first. It can save you plenty of time and frustration. Check out this link for resources on finding one. Ostomy nurses are out there and ready to help!

Preventing a Parastomal Hernia

The best way to prevent a parastomal hernia is to listen to your doctor. When they say to not lift anything over 10 pounds for 4-6 weeks after surgery, don’t do it! You should also always be careful about what you lift and use proper form no matter how long ago your surgery was. It’s also a good idea to wear an ostomy support belt or undergarment when you’re working out or doing any strenuous activity, and to apply pressure to your stoma when you cough or sneeze.

Strengthening the area around your stoma site can help, too. But, as always, check with your doctor before beginning any sort of exercise routine. (Also, as always again, quitting smoking and/or maintaining a healthy weight can make a big difference.)

How Do You Fix a Parastomal Hernia?

Well, there’s no simple answer. Like every parastomal hernia is different, so are our bodies and the surgeries we’ve had. It will take consulting with your doctor or a WOC nurse to find a plan of action that’s specific to your needs.

But something you can do right now is find support from the ostomy community. We are a tight-knit group (and just not our sutures!) of people always eager to help and offer a listening ear.


Robin Glover is a writer based in the Houston area. He has a permanent ostomy after being diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in 2017.

By Ed Pfueller, UOAA Communications Manager

Beverly Dabliz is ready to celebrate a monumental 60th anniversary but even her closest friends do not all know what it is for. Recently she decided it was finally time to share the news. “Just last week I told a close friend I’ve known for 66 years – I’m the godmother of her twins, but even they did not know I have an ostomy. It was just not something people talked about,” Dabliz says. She adds “People are surprised to learn the news, but it does not matter to them one bit.”

Dabliz had ileostomy surgery in 1962 at Ferguson Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Ferguson was one of the first clinics in the world to perform such surgeries. By the time she turned twenty she was suffering from ulcerative colitis and by twenty-four ran out of treatment options. “After sixty years I have never regretted it, it has allowed me to live a great life,” Dabliz says.

Almost no one with the exception of her doctor understood the procedure and how to care for it. She knew she was on her own on how to carry on and reach her full potential.
Even if you have a great support network Dabliz recommends, “You have to own it and take care of it.” Ostomy supplies of that time bear little resemblance to the lightweight, contoured appliances of today. “I wore a heavy two-piece rubber appliance held on with an ostomy glue,” she recalls. It was not until the 70s that pouching systems began to evolve into something similar to the one and two-piece systems commonly used today.

“It was just not something people talked about,”

Over the years Dabliz has helped other ostomates in need through the Detroit Metro Ostomy Support Group. While doing hospital visits she would always appear in fitted clothes and enjoyed how grateful the patients were to hear from someone else living with an ostomy. She is happy about the recent return of in-person support group meetings. At meetings, Dabliz is sometimes surprised by some of the concerns new ostomates have regarding things like food, “I just tell them to be sure you chew your food very well, in the beginning, I tried it all without being scared but I’m still often the last one eating. I chew my food so well I’ve worn down teeth.”

Beverly Dabliz, right, works during a mission trip to Costa Rica with her Michigan church group.

Dabliz worked in the accounting department of a computer company in Detroit and Plymouth, Michigan for 45 years before retiring. Her boss was aware of her ostomy and supportive. “I never missed a day of work because of the ostomy,” she says.

Six years ago Dabliz had a fight with kidney cancer and three years ago a shoulder replacement surgery. But she has otherwise been fortunate to live a healthy life since the ostomy surgery six decades ago. She still makes it a point to get out of the house almost every day. “I have always been very active and really have not had any ostomy issues,” Dabliz says. In her eighties now, she still enjoys golfing and was in a bowling league for many years.

Beverly Dabliz working as a volunteer at the Eagle River Methodist Camp in Juneau, Alaska.

Dabliz can also still be found tending to her yard and is reluctant to give up shoveling the Michigan snow – though neighbors have started beating her to it. With the exception of some subtle changes, her ostomy regiment remains routine. She consistently uses the same products.

Dabliz is an active member of her church and has gone on many mission trips over the years in countries such as Jamaica and Costa Rica. “I’ve had to use outhouses in Alaska and done mission work after Hurricane Katrina,” Dabliz says. Even in these tight living quarters, nobody knew she had an ostomy.

An ostomy has never gotten in the way of her passion for traveling and cruising the world with her older sister. The pair have even circumnavigated Australia and New Zealand. Her advice; “I take extra supplies and always bring some on carry-on and have never had any trouble flying. Just do it. Go swimming, do whatever you want to do,” she says.

In celebration of her 60th Stomaversary and 85th Birthday, Dabliz is hoping to take a Holland America cruise around Iceland with her sister. Her minister and family have known of her ostomy but she hopes to tell more friends about what this landmark occasion means to her. Dabliz is confident they will take the news in stride as they help her celebrate a life that could have been cut way too short if not for that long ago ostomy surgery.

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