Clothing & concealing your ostomy
Some young people find it difficult to completely conceal their ostomy appliance under certain types of clothing. Here are some ideas that may help:
- Experiment with different styles of clothing.
- Empty the pouch regularly. A full pouch is much harder to hide than an empty one.
- Try an ostomy pouch cover. You can purchase or even make your own. They look like a fanny pack
- Try an oversized look.
- For swimming, try a one-piece vs two piece.
- wear a waterproof cover.
- Wear whatever you feel comfortable in.
Accessories & Pouch Covers
At first you may think that because your ostomy pouch is obvious to you that others will notice every noise or odor.
Always remember that people around you won’t notice anything unless you tell them. As you become more comfortable with your ostomy, there are ways to conceal your pouch and minimize odors. There are all types of garments that can support and conceal your ostomy.
There are also many resources to help eliminate odor. Check the resources page to see the products available.
Smells When Changing Your Ostomy
Talk with your parents or WOC nurse about your concerns and what options are available.
fans When in bathrooms, turn on bathroom and place potpourri or wax melts in the bathroom to help keep the bathroom fresh. Or carry a small lipstick size spray deodorant.
or cologne but keep away from the May try perfumeactual ostomy site though, so you don’t have to worry about getting any infections. Products available to help with the smell.
Practice caring for your ostomy and always keep supplies close.
The worst is when the pouch is sliding off and you must wait until you get home to do anything about it. Some options are:
- Grab lots of paper towels to place over the pouch
- Roll toilet paper around the outside of the pouch or
- If available, a washcloth or small towel to wrap around.
Noises & Bulging
It is not uncommon to be worried and embarrassed about the noises coming from your bag. Remember that every sound your body makes is natural and you should not be ashamed or embarrassed. If your bag begins to bulge, excuse yourself and go to the bathroom to let the air out or empty it. Have your parents work with the school so you can have bathroom breaks whenever needed (some schools may even have an individual bathroom you may be able to use). Also, work with your parents to develop a plan for how to handle situations at school and always be prepared.
Hope, support, and finding community
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These webpages are funded by a grant from Hollister Incorporated.