Who we are:

“Your nurse will teach you how to change your pouch, your group will teach you how to live.”
The Reno Ostomy Association is an affiliate of the United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) and is one of hundreds of ostomy support groups in the U.S. As a volunteer-based, non-profit organization, we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for people who have had or will have a continent or conventional ostomy through education, information, and advocacy. Our meetings include practical ostomy care information, ostomy supply updates by manufacturer reps and suppliers, guest speakers, round table discussions, and social time. We welcome ostomates, family, friends and care-givers.
Where we meet:
We currently meet virtually by Zoom.
Before the pandemic we were meeting at:
The Senior Center
1155 E. 9th St.
Reno, NV 89512 (Map)
When we meet:
We meet by Zoom on the 4th Tuesday of every month. For more information, please call (775) 972-3307.
Questions you may have:
There are many questions and anxieties when entering life with an ostomy. Our group, comprising those living with an ostomy and several ostomy-trained nurses, will help in answering these questions and giving support and understanding.
How to request a visitor:
The visiting program offers one-to-one support by a trained certified visitor. Visits can be made in person to the hospital or home or via telephone to answer initial concerns of the new patient. A visitor serves as a positive role model for the new ostomate.
Visitation: Sue Durst. Please arrange by calling Marty Creel at (775) 972-3307
Who’s on our board:
Marty Creel (775) 972-3307
Wendy Brott (775) 830-7260
Treasurer/Membership and Visitation Coordinator:
Sue Durst
Program Coordinators:
Melinda Miller, CWOCN
Patty Manavbasi, CWON
How to join:
Our meetings are free and are open to the public. If you choose to become a member, you may do so at one of the meetings. Our annual membership fee is currently $12 per year, and includes the newsletter which follows each meeting. We always encourage our members to subscribe to the Phoenix Magazine, a quarterly magazine which has a wealth of current ostomy information.
Contact Us
United Ostomy Associations of America
P.O. Box 2293
Biddeford, ME 04005-2293
Call us toll-free at: 1-800-826-0826.
Our Information Line hours are Monday-Friday, 9am to 3pm EST. If you have an emergency, please dial 911 or contact your local medical professional.
Please understand that UOAA is a private, nonprofit, advocacy and informational organization. We are not a medical facility and we do not have medical or legal professionals on staff. Therefore, UOAA does not provide Medical, Mental Health, Insurance or Legal Advice. Visit UOAA Virtual Ostomy Clinic provided by The Wound Company for non-emergency, virtual ostomy support.
Get Involved
UOAA is the leading organization proactively advocating on behalf of the ostomy community. Recognizing that we are always stronger together, we encourage everyone to get involved by joining our Advocacy Network. We’ve also created several Advocacy Tools and Resources to help you successfully advocate on behalf of the ostomy community to ensure every ostomate receives quality care.